Mercury Rising 鳯女

Politics, life, and other things that matter

Tuesday Morning News Roundup

Posted by Phoenix Woman on March 31, 2009


— Still no Election Contest Court ruling in the Franken-Coleman contest as of this morning. They’ve been at it for over two weeks now. What could be the problem? [UPDATE: They hear and obey!]

— Speaking of the Franken-Coleman contest, Eric Boehlert notes that the same media that was viciously attacking Al Gore for being a “sore loser” in 2000 is being nice as pie to Norm Coleman even though his actions have been far more sore-loserish — and have been far more time-consuming — than Gore’s ever were.

— In more pleasant news, Skype has come to the iPhone. Glorious.

2 Responses to “Tuesday Morning News Roundup”

  1. DocRoss said

    The ruling is in!

  2. cbl said

    Big virtual hugs to you ! Court just ruled in Franken’s favor

    thanks for all your reporting on this – mawaah !

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