Mercury Rising 鳯女

Politics, life, and other things that matter

I Am Mitt, Destroyer Of Jobs – Especially Non-Mormon Jobs?

Posted by Phoenix Woman on April 20, 2012

While Mitt Romney was grandstanding at a factory that shut down under Bush the Younger and pretending it closed during Obama’s tenure, this article appeared at Gawker:

Bain Capital, a job creating powerhouse established by America’s number one job creator Mitt Romney, is being sued by a group of people that claim they were fired for not being part of the Mormon church (LDS). This rogue group of secular sweat hogs were threatening the very foundation of ethics and morals Bain was built on. It was time to call out Romney Rooter and snake out these infiltrators of normalcy and make sure that the pains in Bain go mainly down the drain.

The filing can be seen at Courthouse News, which is where Gawker probably got the story.

One Response to “I Am Mitt, Destroyer Of Jobs – Especially Non-Mormon Jobs?”

  1. Charles II said

    Yes. This definitely sounds like the Bishop Romney I heard about from a visitor to his temple.

    Extremely petty.

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