Mercury Rising 鳯女

Politics, life, and other things that matter

Gotta Give ‘Em Credit

Posted by Phoenix Woman on March 3, 2009

Hacktacular Howard Kurtz, who regularly carries Limbaugh’s water, notes the decision of Obama and Rahm Emanuel to make Rush Limbaugh the public face of the Republican Party — and how the Republicans are embracing Rush and punishing those who step out of line WRT His Majesty:

…Republican National Chairman Michael Steele called Limbaugh “an entertainer” in an interview with CNN’s D.L. Hughley, adding: “Yes, he’s incendiary. Yes, it’s ugly.”

Limbaugh responded that Steele is “off to a shaky start” and should be rebuilding the party behind the scenes “instead of trying to be some talking-head media star.” And guess what: Steele said yesterday that he tried to reach Limbaugh to assure him of his “enormous respect,” telling Politico: “I was maybe a little bit inarticulate . . . There was no attempt on my part to diminish his voice or his leadership.”

(Rahm must be chortling. He had told Bob Schieffer about the Rush Effect: “Whenever a Republican criticizes him, they have to run back and apologize to him and say they were misunderstood.”)

Give Rahmbo credit: He called it. He called it EXACTLY.

It reminds me of the famous scene in Billy Jack where BJ tells the sheriff exactly what’s he going to do (namely, kick the sheriff in the face, which will send him sprawling on the ground) — and then does it. Except in this instance, the sheriff kicked himself in the face.

One Response to “Gotta Give ‘Em Credit”

  1. Donna said

    hah — well said!

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