Mercury Rising 鳯女

Politics, life, and other things that matter

Reporters to Bush: “Please Don’t Kill Us!”

Posted by MEC on January 31, 2007

What a great sense of humor the Leader of the Free World has. During a photo op at a Caterpillar factory, Bush got to drive one of the Great! Big! Tractors! And steered it straight at the press corps.

White House aides tried to herd the reporters the right way without getting run over themselves. Even the Secret Service got involved, as one agent began yelling at reporters to get clear of the tractor. Watching the chaos below, Bush looked out the tractor’s window and laughed, steering the massive machine into the spot where most of the press corps had been positioned. The episode lasted about a minute, and Bush was still laughing when he pulled to a stop.

Afterwards, when Bush asked one of the reporters how he enjoyed it, the reporter said, “It’s a good life,” because he didn’t want to get sent to the cornfield. (Okay, so that didn’t really happen. But lately, every time I learn of something else Bush has done, I think of that story.)

There is something seriously wrong with that man. Seriously.

5 Responses to “Reporters to Bush: “Please Don’t Kill Us!””

  1. Eli said

    Oh yeah, that story is absolutely Bush in a nutshell – a petty little bully who loves powerful, destructive toys.

    And his presidency has reminded me of that TZ for a long, long time now. I think the town is becoming a little bit more willing to speak up, now that they’re beginning to realize that he *can’t* actually wish them into the cornfield anymore, if indeed he ever could.

  2. Remember when Frank Burns finally snapped in the TV version of M*A*S*H? He stole a tank and started joy-riding it all over the place, laughing maniacally, trying to kill Margaret and anyone else who got in his way.

    Except Frank Burns had a conscience — he felt badly about what he’d done. Bush can’t feel empathy for anyone.

  3. This is like the joke about watching your mother-in-law drive your brand new Cadillac over a cliff.

  4. Daniel said

    does bush want to kill himself as well? probably!

  5. MEC said

    I think the recent history of the world would have been very different if 7-year-old George W. Bush had gotten counseling after the death of his sister. Or at least if his parents had been more sympathetic and understanding about its effect on him.

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