Mercury Rising 鳯女

Politics, life, and other things that matter

Pew poll on media finds Americans completely confused

Posted by Charles II on August 10, 2007

Pew did a poll on Americans and the media. Only about 25% of people have an unfavorable opinion of local papers, TV, or cable; 40% were critical of national newspapers.  Even people who get their news from the Internet were not particularly critical.  

 There is a decline in favorability over the last six years, with cable news and national papers suffering the largest loss in confidence. But after the media’s maneuvering us into the Bush regime and thence into Iraq, favorability is down only 4%-14%

Republicans are even more convinced than ever that the media are liberal, which means that they led the movement of opinion about the media.  And independents seem to parallel Republicans more closely than Republicans in seeing the press as biased.  

Heaven help us, the media’s mission to confuse the American people has succeeded.

4 Responses to “Pew poll on media finds Americans completely confused”

  1. shrimplate said

    That’s always struck me as odd: the mainstream media convincing the rightwing noisemakers that the mainstream media is profoundly liberal in its bias.

    It’s true that sometimes local newspaper outlets publish items that could be construed as “true” or simply “factual.” I suppose that’s how they demonstrate their bias.

  2. Media Too Critical of America?

    So what about this most recent one from Pew? You can see the whole thing here for yourself, but what caught my attention besides the fact that many see that our media is uncaring, they see bias (no surprise, like I said), inaccuracy (I will show a fe…

  3. MEC said

    “That’s always struck me as odd: the mainstream media convincing the rightwing noisemakers that the mainstream media is profoundly liberal in its bias.”

    You have it backward, Shrimplate. It’s the rightwing noisemakers who have the mainstream media convinced that they dare not be “liberal”.

  4. whig said

    Facts have a well-known liberal bias, after all.

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