Mercury Rising 鳯女

Politics, life, and other things that matter

John Cole Says It So I Don’t Have To

Posted by Phoenix Woman on August 17, 2007

Just Us

 From Balloon Juice, via Avedon Carol:

I still do not understand why it was necessary to keep this guy in solitary confinement until he was basically a grunting vegetable. I just don’t. Why was it necessary to violate his rights as a citizen? Why keep him from a lawyer? Why?

It was necessary to keep Bush and Company from admitting they made a mistake, that’s why.

Remember the four British citizens we had detained at Guantanamo for years and years?  BushCo wouldn’t let them out, even to go to another prison, because they said the guys were just too stone-cold dangerous; the evidence against them was plentiful and nasty, the Bushies kept saying.   

Well, the British government finally got them transferred from Gitmo to a UK facility — and then freed them almost immediately, as there was not a single shred of evidence that the men were guilty of anything other than being brown-skinned guys in the wrong place at the wrong time. 

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