Mercury Rising 鳯女

Politics, life, and other things that matter

It’s Not Terrorism If A White Guy Does It

Posted by Phoenix Woman on February 19, 2010

I remember how, in the aftermath of the bombing of the Murrah Building in Oklahoma City, the conservatives and the mainstream media that they’d bought up, bought off and/or scared into submission were all for doing summary rough justice on the perps, who they assumed had to be Evil Ay-Rab Heathens or some suchness.

But when it was found that the perps were Aryan white-supremacist conservatives, suddenly the Cons did a 180-degree spin worthy of Jim Rockford.

Suddenly, the perps’ motives became very important for us to know and understand.

Suddenly, the same people who would never have countenanced the claim in a Middle Eastern bomber’s pre-death video that he was doing it to fight the horrific oppression of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip were solemnly explaining that poor widdle Timmy McVeigh killed 168 people, 19 of them children in the building’s day-care facility, because he had legitimate grievances. (Among these alleged grievances: Anger at the Clinton Administration for allegedly killing child molester and gun battler Vernon “David Koresh” Howell even though Howell was the one who ordered the burning of his compound and the shootings of himself and his followers — actions he’d been planning for some time even as he claimed good-faith negotiations with the Feds.)

We see this pattern repeat itself whenever white guys commit terrorist acts. The motives of Eric Rudolph, the guy who bombed Olympic Part in Atlanta, a gay nightclub and an abortion clinic, were treated as far more worthy of consideration than the motives of Richard Reid or would-be Fruit-of-the-Loom bomber Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab. (And no conservatives whined when Eric Rudolph was read his Miranda rights, the way they whined over Abdulmutallab’s being read his.) And we’re seeing it now, with the suicide plane bomber Joseph Stack, whose family fled his anger before he torched their house and then took his light plane and rammed it into an IRS building: Republican Senator Scott Brown — who was all for putting Abdulmutallab, a person who unlike Stack didn’t kill or even hurt anyone besides himself, in the military-justice system — got all touchy-feely concerned and understanding about that poor “frustrated” white guy Stack.

What’s even more astonishing is how often news of the crimes of white terrorists is effectively suppressed. The same GOP/Media Complex that dutifully transmits Republican talking points about Abdulmutallab has had comparatively very little to say about the following dangerous political terrorists:

James G. Cummings, a white-supremacist nutjob whose father was a California real estate baron, was using his daddy’s money to try and build a “dirty bomb” using radioactive materials because he was ticked off that a black man won the 2008 election. The only reason we know about this is because he was killed by his wife Amber, who got fed up with his beating her up all the time and shot him before he could finish his bomb — and the whole bit about the bomb-making efforts didn’t come out until two months after she shot him

William Krar, a guy from Noonday, Texas, who with his common-law-wife was making pipe bombs, suitcase bombs, cyanide bombs and other weapons of mass destruction and providing them to right-wing militia groups across the US. (He was caught when one of his shipments, to a New Jersey militia group, was misdelivered to a New York family who promptly turned the package and its contents over to law enforcement officials.)

Shawna Forde and Jason Bush, white supremacists who broke into a Hispanic man’s home and brutally killed him and his nine-year-old daughter, for no other reason than sheer racial hatred.

— Dennis and Daniel Mahon, Illinois neo-Nazis (feel free to insert Blues Brothers joke here) who committed a 2004 mailbombing in Scottsdale, Arizona that seriously injured several persons.

Why didn’t these people become household names and bywords for terrorism, just like Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab? Especially since they all had much more in the way of weapons of mass destruction than he did — and were able to do more with them than he did.

Why is it different for them?

17 Responses to “It’s Not Terrorism If A White Guy Does It”

  1. MEC said

    Didn’t you get the memo? The definition of “terrorist” now reads, “Terrorist. See Muslim.”

  2. mahakal said

    See Glenn Greenwald’s post today. Particularly the Fox coverage, where they were trying to distinguish “capital-T Terrorism” as being explicitly a reference to Muslims who don’t like America. “Christian”-Identity White Supremacists by this definition cannot be Terrorists.

  3. b.izzy said

    This is a great post except for the naivete’ vis-a-vis Palestinian suicide bombers….it is remarkable that the grassroots grievances of Palestinians purportedly evidenced by suicide bombings seem to vanish depending on whether the Palestinian Authority or Hamas wishes to utilize the tactic or not….negotiations = no suicide bombings…infitada = suicide bombings….no different than what the Stern Gang did to the British before the Partition in 1947 and just as much an act of terrorism..

    the conditions in gaza havent changed much since the rest of the despotic Arab world facilitated the refugee cicumstance to draw attention away from their own autocracies…and it is difficult to feel deep sympathy for Hamas who produces and televises the most vile anti-semitic cartoon shows for national broadcast on state television for their children to digest..those cartoons showed up on the Daily Show and you ought to look at that archive before you start trotting out Hamas as an example of legitimacy

    there is not an ass hairs worth of difference between David Koresh and Hamas…religious extremists happy to eat their own young in the name of a God who if she existed would surely strike them all dead

  4. Neil Bates said

    Good points! And yeah, a suicide bomber in a plane at that! Note also how people like Gordon Liddy talk of how to shoot Feds in the head when they don’t like them, but gripe that liberals are traitors for not supporting the government’s use of force etc. However, this guy really did have some legit gripes, many of which most progressive types could sympathize with. What he did was wrong, but note it’s a fallacy to judge ideas by what the thinker does.

  5. supergee said

    Scott Roeder

    • MEC said

      Yep. The definition of “terrorist” used to be “someone who commits acts of violence against non-military targets to make a political statement or achieve a political goal”. Roeder meets that definition exactly.

  6. annejumps said

    Neil, it’s the anti-IRS grudge that’s being pushed in the media out of all his ideas (gee, somehow that won out in the headlines over anti-corporate and anti-Catholic church stuff!) and in that he is unfortunately being embraced as a right-wing martyr by some. At this point, regardless of what he was really saying, certain aspects of it are what’s being pulled out and emphasized, and the story’s developed along the lines of what PW’s pointing to here….

  7. b.izzy said

    the director of homeland security had to apologize for warning the country about right wingnut acts of terrorism…how truly sick that this nonsense gets swept under the carpet….

    ..when assholes start showing up to presidential appearances with weapons and republicans justify it under the second ammendment its time to stand up

  8. Good points, undermined by this bit of Stockholm syndrome twaddle:

    . . . all for putting Abdulmutallab, a person who unlike Stack didn’t kill or even hurt anyone besides himself, in the military-justice system . . .

    The hell were you thinking, writing that? Abdulmutallab intended to kill hundreds, and not only intended, actually set off the bomb he was wearing. Our good luck that it fizzled.

    • Charles II said

      Paul, (a) You don’t have to be rude. If you think you actually do have to be rude, we can make a better decision for you, at least as it applies to this site, (b) the law makes a distinction between people who try to kill others and those who succeed, so you would seem to be calling the law “twaddle,” and (c) Phoenix Woman’s statement could just as easily be taken to mean that Stack should be tried under military justice.

      The point is the hypocrisy of the right, not that Abdulmutallab should be treated better than any other person accused of attempted murder.

    • Charles, I’m sure that this guy’s just a typical drive-by troll who is not here for discussion, just to lob smears and to distract. He won’t be back.

      But, for the folks watching on the sidelines, I’ll give him a reply:

      Paul: Would you then advocate military trials for William Krar and his wife? They shipped weapons of mass destruction to right-wing militias all over the country, though — just like the hapless Abdulmutallab — they didn’t personally kill anyone that we know of.

      How about Timothy McVeigh? Or Eric Rudolph? They actually killed people with their terrorist acts, you know.

      Why is it different when some deluded brown-skinned schmuck tries an act of terror and ends up castrating himself before he’s easily subdued?

      Remember the first WTC attack, back in the early 1990s? Then-president Bill Clinton treated it as a criminal act, not an act of war. Guess what? He had the perps collared within a year. Meanwhile, Bush never did get Bin Laden — he was too busy inventing reasons to attack Saddam because Ahmad Chalabi (who was and is working with the Iranians, who stood to benefit from a destroyed Iraq) told him and the other PNAC idiots that taking out Saddam would turn Iraq into flowers-and-candy-ville.

  9. […] closing: secrets of the ER; credit card rules change today; on the job loss numbers; it’s not terrorism when a white guy does it, only brown people can be terrorists; even terrorists deserve a fair trial and even John Ashcroft […]

  10. Sharleen said

    This is another hilarious comic that is truly fitting.

    • Charles II said

      Lynn/Sharleen: I approved these comments even though I suspect they are comment spam. Posting under multiple names, especially to promote a blog, is abusive. If you think have a good site and it isn’t primarily commercial, just post honestly. Please.

  11. Lynn said

    Political spin doctors have always impressed me. If I had half the skill I’m pretty sure instead of ever being grounded I would have been rewarded growing up. Check out this link to a story about Harry Reid and his amazing spin doctoring

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