Mercury Rising 鳯女

Politics, life, and other things that matter

DeLay Walks

Posted by Charles II on September 19, 2013

In one of the longest miscarriages of justice, a Texas appeals court decided that the evidence that Tom DeLay laundered corporate cash into Texas state campaigns was insufficient. He is a free man.

It’s stuff like this that makes it clear how corrupt our courts are. I would not be a bit surprised to learn that DeLay contributed to the campaigns of those appellate justices.

One Response to “DeLay Walks”

  1. jo6pac said

    I would not be a bit surprised to learn that DeLay contributed to the campaigns of those appellate justices.

    That’s just being mean Charles but I’m sure the bagman’s friends made it clear to the court that this is what they wanted. Think the bugman will run for congress again, he is bat shit crazy enough for the tea party.

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