Mercury Rising 鳯女

Politics, life, and other things that matter

Ashcroft, Gonzales, and Mukasey

Posted by Phoenix Woman on November 10, 2007

While thinking about Mukasey, it occurred to me:

Remember how we thought that Ashcroft as AG was The Worst Thing Ever? We were wrong. Alberto Gonzales was worse. Much, much, much worse. (When Ashcroft on his hospital bed can become a comparative hero for standing up to BushCo, you know how far things have fallen.)

The scuttlebutt in DC is that while he’s conservative, Mukasey is actually worlds better than the clowns running DoJ now — the ones Gonzales brought in. (Yes, that tells you just how awful Main Justice is right now.) And Bush is never going to appoint anyone we like. (Movement conservatives like Richard Viguerie came out against Mukasey early on precisely because he was someone that many Democrats didn’t find utterly repulsive. Again, that should tell you something.)

So while Mukasey’s never going to be confused with Louis Brandeis, know that — sadly — he’s as good as we’re probably going to get out of the worst group of persons ever to occupy the White House.

One Response to “Ashcroft, Gonzales, and Mukasey”

  1. whig said

    As bad as Gonzales was, Mukasey could be worse. Or he could be an improvement, but we’ll have to wait and see now.

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