Mercury Rising 鳯女

Politics, life, and other things that matter

Is There Still Some Popcorn?

Posted by Phoenix Woman on February 20, 2008

Looks like John McCain can’t stop lovin’ those blondes.  Blonde lobbyists for torture contractors like CACI, that is.Take a bow, Vicki Iseman!

Let’s see what this story does to McCain: – It pisses off the Fundies and gives them even more leverage in a choice of running mate. Expect him to drop Tim Pawlenty like an old wife in favor of a shiny new model snake-handler.  (Rick Santorum, anyone?)– It allows us to talk about the circumstances of McCain’s second and current marriage. Namely, how he dumped his first wife Carol for his second wife Cindy.

Carol was the mother of his first three kids, and once was a tall willowy model. But in 1969, while he was in prison overseas, she was crippled by a car accident that took four inches of height from her and gave her in return a lot of pain and a serious weight gain. Ten years later, John McCain met a twenty-five-year-old willowy blond named Cindy Hensley, who had the added advantage of coming from a fabulously wealthy Arizona family — and John needed money for his budding political career. He would divorce Carol in April of 1980, marry Cindy one month later, and be a candidate for Congress by early 1982, with an official residence in the proper Arizona congressional district and plenty of money in the war chest.

Do you think McCain wants us to talk about that? I sure wouldn’t, if I was him. But the NYT story brings it all to the surface.

UPDATE:  Oh, my — it’s not just the NYT:

The Washington Post quoted longtime aide John Weaver, who split with McCain last year, as saying he met with Vicki Iseman and urged her to stay away from McCain. The New York Times suggested an inappropriate relationship between the Arizona senator and Iseman, a Washington lobbyist. The New York Times quoted anonymous aides saying they had confronted McCain and Iseman, urging them to stay away from each other, before his failed presidential campaign in 2000.

This ain’t going away soon, folks.  If it was just the NYT, McCain could possibly,
possibly bury this among the MSM by this weekend.  But it’s not.

Boy, John Weaver must really hate McCain’s guts.

UPDATE 2:  Per Emptywheel just now, discussing the role played by Bob Bennett, McCain’s top publicity flack, in attempting to make this story go away:

— This story broke in the NYT. The last time we saw Bennett (before he was giving Jose Rodriguez’ story when Rodriguez refused to do so himself, I mean), he was standing in a hallway in the Prettyman Courthouse accepting Max Frankel’s thanks … “you did a good job for us today.” Meaning “us,” the NYT. In some twisted way, Bennett only recently rescued the NYT from its embarrassment named Judy Miller. But here his next big client save one is, having his Presidential aspirations seriously rocked by the same NYT. If I’m Bob Bennett right now, I’m bitching about those ingrates at the Times.

— And let me remind you, this is the Bob Bennett who set the standard for working the press. When you hire Bob Bennett, you hire him to work the press for you. How well did that work out for John McCain? Maybe Bennett let his McCain guard down in favor of his book tour… but Bennett is frantically trying to work the press to put this genie back in the bottle.

— And what about Bennett’s most famous client before that? No, I don’t mean Cap Weinburger. I mean Bubba Clinton, in the Paula Jones matter. Either McCain is just an idiot, or he didn’t think twice about the optics of having a guy who represented his potential opponent’s husband in a matter that erupted (sorry) into the biggest political sex scandal of all time. You want to bury the story of the pretty blond lobbyist, you don’t hire Bob Bennett.

Oh, yes: McCain’s been trying to get the NYT to snuff this story for months now. So much for that idea.

UPDATE 3:  TNR’s saying that the only reason the NYT published is that TNR was working on a story on what chickenshits the NYT folks are (h/t litigatormom).

15 Responses to “Is There Still Some Popcorn?”

  1. Charles II said

    I think people are misreading this story. The NYT piece features denials of an affair and no evidence that one occurred. This looks like a classic cleanout, in which the media expose a story in order to bury it. Sort of like what they did with Dubya’s service in the Air National Guard.

  2. Actually, no: The WaPo has more:

    The Washington Post quoted longtime aide John Weaver, who split with McCain last year, as saying he met with Vicki Iseman and urged her to stay away from McCain. The New York Times suggested an inappropriate relationship between the Arizona senator and Iseman, a Washington lobbyist. The New York Times quoted anonymous aides saying they had confronted McCain and Iseman, urging them to stay away from each other, before his failed presidential campaign in 2000.

  3. Charles II said

    I don’t see where there is evidence of a sexual relationship. Aides convinced that there is a “romantic” relationship means zip.

  4. MEC said

    When I first heard of this story, I immediately thought of the false reports in 2004 that John Kerry had an affair. The MSM love to spread gossip, and they don’t waste time on trivialities like confirming evidence. I’ll maintain my skepticism until I see photographs, or letters in McCain’s handwriting.

  5. Ah, but at least one of the aides has gone on record — a former longtime McCain aide, John Weaver. If this was all anonymous names, it wouldn’t be worth it.

    Besides, McCain did NOT want this story to come out. You can tell that because he’s sent out Bob Bennett to work the press to get them to shut up about it. But McCain miscalculated: If you’re trying to make a cute-blonde story go away, you don’t hire for your deep-sixer a guy whose most famous gig was working the press for Bill Clinton in the Paula Jones affair.

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  7. […] Salon, McCain Central, PrestoPundit, Don Surber, Politics Blog, D-Day, Wonkette, Riehl World View, Mercury Rising, The Moderate Voice, the talking dog, Bang the Drum, Political Machine, Attytood, Emptywheel, All […]

  8. MEC said

    Bob Bennett? That makes my day.

    IMNHO, the second-worst mistake Bill Clinton made during his presidency was hiring Bob Bennett as his lawyer. (The first was appointing Louis Freeh to head the FBI.)

  9. […] Nice Blog, TownHall Blog, Political Machine, Riehl World View, Pensito Review, The Moderate Voice, Mercury Rising, All Spin Zone, the talking dog, Washington Wire, Wonkette, D-Day, Attytood, Prairie Weather, Jules […]

  10. Jakebnto said

    The “cleanout” scenario may be the case – but if so it is intended to pacify the true believers, not that skeptics – which is all the rest of the nation. The evidence is in for most of us – slurs reduce viability even when later totally misproved. In certain circles it is enough to be accused of a misdeed; no proof is required.


  11. […] Comments Jakebnto on Is There Still Some Popcorn?…hit job — info… on Is There Still Some Popcorn?…MEC on A Clue for American Voters…MEC on […]

  12. […] course, as has been shown repeatedly over the past thirty-six hours, this is just plain wrong.  (The Washington Post, for one, had covered McCain’s attempt in December to stifle the […]

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  14. […] Nice Blog, TownHall Blog, Political Machine, Riehl World View, Pensito Review, The Moderate Voice, Mercury Rising, All Spin Zone, the talking dog, Washington Wire, Wonkette, D-Day, Attytood, Prairie Weather, Jules […]

  15. […] Nice Blog, TownHall Blog, Political Machine, Riehl World View, Pensito Review, The Moderate Voice, Mercury Rising, All Spin Zone, the talking dog, Washington Wire, Wonkette, D-Day, Attytood, Prairie Weather, Jules […]

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