Mercury Rising 鳯女

Politics, life, and other things that matter

Sorghum For Ethanol?

Posted by Phoenix Woman on May 12, 2008

Sorghum uses half the water of corn ethanol (at least in the growing), and the stalks, after the sap’s been pressed from them, can themselves be used in celluosic ethanol (or fed to livestock). But a) it must be converted within a day of harvesting, or the sugar is lost, which means that b) even in the South the distilleries can only run from March to October at most (when the plant can be grown). That’s not stopping people from looking into it as a fuel.

One Response to “Sorghum For Ethanol?”

  1. Stormcrow said

    Old scams never die. They just mutate, the same way RNA viruses do.

    Particularly in the United States. Most particularly if they revolve around (i) something for nothing, and (ii) innumeracy.

    I’m so glad it is no longer my responsibility to attempt to teach mathematics to American kids. That was turning into Sisyphean torment 20 years ago. I hate to think of what it’s like today.

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