Mercury Rising 鳯女

Politics, life, and other things that matter

Stop Saying That

Posted by MEC on June 16, 2009

Do the Republicans ever listen to themselves? Do they ever think about what they’re saying? Or does somebody pull a string in their back and out come the talking points?

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell … “Americans don’t want a government-run system that puts bureaucrats between patients and doctors.”

Senator McConnell, shut up. Just. Shut. Up.

What Americans have now is an corporation-run system that puts bureaucrats between patients and doctors. Too often, those corporate bureaucrats decide patients won’t get the care they need, overriding the doctors’ decisions, because the purpose of the corporations is not enabling medical care but maximizing profit.

I don’t hear you criticizing the insurance corporations for interfering with the doctor-patient relationship, Senator McConnell. So just shut up. I’m sick of your hypocrisy.

One Response to “Stop Saying That”

  1. Exactly. And guess what? Government-run health care systems are more efficient and get better ratings overall, as the examples of the Veterans Administration (as reformed by Bill Clinton) and various overseas systems show.

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