Mercury Rising 鳯女

Politics, life, and other things that matter

Boehner’s Whine Brings Back Memories

Posted by Phoenix Woman on September 1, 2011

The whole ridiculous whine of John Boehner’s about Obama’s speech’s timing brings back memories.

The first thing Obama should have done is to point out that Republicans proclaimed this as a slap because it’s the sort of slap that Republicans like to admininster.

Case in point: the June 2003 Democratic presidential candidiate get-together planned for the downtown St. Paul Radisson. According to the Kerry staffers in attendance, Bush White House Chief of Staff Karl Rove told then-Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist to make sure a key vote was scheduled for that day, thus ensuring that most of the Democratic candidates (many of whom were Senators themselves) couldn’t show up in person that day, but appeared via satellite. Howard Dean was one of the few to make it there in the flesh.

If only Obama showed spine when dealing with anyone besides his base, he wouldn’t be in trouble come next year.

3 Responses to “Boehner’s Whine Brings Back Memories”

  1. Charles II said

    At this point, I don’t think Dan Choi can be considered part of Obama’s base.

    I cannot believe how badly Holder is running the Justice Department. Can’t help Don Siegelman, can prosecute Dan Choi. Bah.

    • jo6pac said

      Yep, sad day for Justice for all in Amerika, hell they can’t even put a banker in jail.

    • Phoenix Woman said

      Obama thinks he’s wooing the indies. But what most indies and other non-habitual voters care about isn’t bipartisanship, it’s strength. Jesse Ventura got people of widely varying ideologies, including people who normally didn’t vote, to vote for him in 1998 because he projected (rightly or not) an image of strength, of toughness, of a willingness to back up his stands. Obama? Hard to see what he stands for besides beating up on the people insisting he keep his promises.

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