Mercury Rising 鳯女

Politics, life, and other things that matter

American journalism to be saved from Rupert Murdoch by…Charles and David Koch?

Posted by Charles II on April 1, 2013

No, not April Fool’s. Connor Simpson, The Atlantic Wire (via FAIR):

This could get very ugly, very fast. The Koch brothers are reportedly [by the LA Weekly] considering a bid for the Tribune Company newspapers — focusing on the crown jewels of the L.A. Times and Chicago Tribune, or at least what jewels of power are left in the flailing newspaper industry — but they may face stiff competition in the form of a debt-free, full pocketed media power player named Rupert Murdoch.

If the notoriously free-spending political heavyweights and brothers in industry choose to go for the whole company — and, importantly, if their offer is taken seriously and ends up bailing out the papers — their purchase would also include 20 television stations along with the eight papers.

Simpson thinks the report is unlikely. What seems beyond doubt is that the LA Times and the Chicago Trib–and six other papers and 20 television stations–are going from being owned by reactionaries to being owned by delusionaries.

3 Responses to “American journalism to be saved from Rupert Murdoch by…Charles and David Koch?”

  1. Sad.

    • Roger Bates said

      She’ll be right mate, no worries.

      • Roger Bates said

        Rupert Murdoch runs Australian news media & governments. The records of Australian newspapers published sold as genuine archives by Australian state and national libraries are fake & nothing like what was published on paper during the 1990’s. The corrupt records are intended to deceive the public & conceal Australian government, law enforcement and news media incompetence and corruption. The fake records have also been exported to British Libraries UK London Colindale & are sold to the UK public. $1000- reward for assistance to obtain access to genuine records (real archives) of Australian newspapers published that will expose Australian corruption.

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