Mercury Rising 鳯女

Politics, life, and other things that matter

Wonder Why Fast Food Workers Went On Strike? Look Behind The Kitchen Door

Posted by Phoenix Woman on July 30, 2013

You may have heard about the fast food workers’ strike that started yesterday in several big cities in the U.S.

Here is the website of the group behind the strike, Restaurant Opportunities Centers United, or ROC United for short:

Here is a snippet from that site, to go with the video above:

“Our food comes at great expense to the workers who provide it. ‘The biggest workforce in America can’t put food on the table except when they go to work,’ says Saru Jayaraman, Co- Founder of the Restaurant Opportunities Centers United. Many people in the nascent food movement and in the broader ‘foodie’ set know our farmers’ (and their kids’) names and what their animals eat. We practically worship chefs, and the damage done to land, air, and water by high-tech ag is—correctly—a constant concern. Yet though you can’t be a card-carrying foodie if you don’t know the provenance of your heirloom tomato, you apparently can be one if you don’t know how the members of your wait staff are treated.”
Mark Bittman (NYTimes Columnist, American food journalist and author)

ROC United co-founder Saru Jayaraman has written a book called Behind the Kitchen Door that describes the lives and conditions of the workers who take care of us when we go out to eat. It’s worth picking up.

3 Responses to “Wonder Why Fast Food Workers Went On Strike? Look Behind The Kitchen Door”

  1. MarkH said

    Today at Walmart I had a conversation with a woman stocking cookies from Keebler. I was searching for a peanutbutter cookie and she had trouble finding this and that. Finally she said the elves must not be producing enough cookies. So, I told her they needed a minimum wage pay increase to work that hard. She just laughed. I doubt upper management would think it’s funny.

    • Charles II said

      Amazing what one gets when one talks to people.

    • Good for you for talking to her, Mark Ever since I heard about Behind the Kitchen Door, I’ve been watching how the people who work in food service interact with each other and their customers. I’ve noticed when they have white people working in the back and nonwhite people working in the front (the opposite is usually the case). It’s eye-opening.

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