Mercury Rising 鳯女

Politics, life, and other things that matter

Here We Go Again

Posted by Phoenix Woman on January 25, 2009

Seems that some people who are still fighting the 2008 primaries (they know who they are) and who have been pushing the Obama=Bush meme have latched onto the Wired article by David Kravets that Charles mentions in his last post.

Emptywheel explains why we shouldn’t be so quick to take Kravets’ article at face value. And a legal eagle over at DKos who goes by the nom de Kos of “NCrissieB” has already rather neatly sliced and diced the article. (She’s also, in response to prodding by Meteor Blades, sliced up Kravets’ followup piece.)  Here’s a  sample:

The January 5th ruling that the “state secrets” privilege does not exist in FISA-related cases was huge.  This is not the same as the “executive privilege” we heard about in the Libby case, where the president asserts that all conversations with aides are protected because the president needs to have candid advice.  The “state secrets” privilege covers classified information.

We can debate whether the Bush Administration classified too much (I think they did).  We can debate whether the Obama Administration should or will declassify a lot of that information (I think they should and hope they will).  But I hope we can agree that classified information must be protected unless and until it is declassified.  A lot of it is classified for very good reasons, and we shouldn’t throw the nation’s baby out with Bush’s bathwater.

The specific issue here is not whether or how the Obama DOJ will defend the Al-Haramain case.  In fact, the January 23rd memorandum says not one word about whether or how the Obama Administration will treat that case, except that the Obama DOJ does want the trial court to stay proceedings until the Ninth Circuit hear the appeal of the trial court’s January 5th order eliminating the “state secrets” privilege in FISA cases.

In legalese, that’s called an interlocutory appeal, an appeal that is heard “between pleadings” to the trial court.


So Obama’s just saying “We need to settle this specific legal issue before the case goes on to trial?”

Yes, exactly.

The January 23rd memorandum to the court does not “side with Bush,” except in the very narrow sense that the Obama Administration seems to agree that the appeal of the January 5th decision should happen before the case goes to trial.  And there are sound constitutional reasons for that position.

The “state secrets” privilege is grounded in the president’s Article II authority as Chief Executive, because whether to classify a document is an Executive Branch call.  There are statutes setting out procedures for declassifying a document, but the decision to classify is and has always been an executive decision, usually made by the person or office creating the document, at the time of its creation.  The rules for what kinds of documents should be classified are set by Executive Orders.

So essentially, the trial court found that the 1978 FISA supersedes Article II, and legislative acts can’t supersede the Constitution.  So the Ninth Circuit, and perhaps ultimately the U.S. Supreme Court, should decide whether the “state secrets” privilege applies, and how classified information should be handled, in FISA-related cases.  While the specific classified information in this case is already public knowledge, that won’t always be true.  And while the specific classified information in this case does not seem to reveal any sensitive “sources and methods,” that won’t always be true either.

So regardless of whether and how the Obama Administration defend this one case, there are sound arguments for letting the appellate courts decide how to handle classified information in FISA-related cases.  That will be especially important if the Obama Administration investigate and ultimately prosecute government officials on FISA violations.  They will need to be sure they handle classified information in the best way to both protect sensitive “sources and methods” and provide transparency and justice for the parties.

So Obama kinda-sorta “Sides With Bush,” but really wants to ensure the courts get these procedures right?

Yes, exactly.

But Obama wants to ensure courts get procedures right doesn’t make for a properly cynical headline.  It doesn’t fit the clearly emerging narrative of “Obama will be just like Bush, so give up, go back to complaining because nothing ever changes.”  And that’s the cynical narrative the media would love all of us Natives to buy, so the Villagers can go back to running things their way while we grumble despondently and go along.  That cynicism is about discouraging we Natives from trying to stay engaged and involved in our government.  It’s about going back to business as usual, where the Villagers lead us from one vat of whine to the next, but always in that tut-tutting way that says “Of course, there is nothing you mere peons can do about this.”

And I’ve had more than enough of that.

Another Kossack, who served as the facility security officer for a defense contractor, chimes in:

First of all, we need [the classification process].  The decision to classify a document theoretically is and should be made ONLY to protect national security.  Not to protect an administration.

Among the many things properly classified are:

1) Military capabilities, both of troops and weapons
2) Military plans (would you want the enemy to know your exact capabilities and plans?)
3) How to build an ICBM, or a nuclear warhead
4) Stealth technology and other such technologies
5) emergency preparedness planning (great info for terrorists)
6) Intelligence sources and methods (remember Valerie Plame?)

I could go on at some length, but I’ll spare you. :)

In my experience, there are quite a few things that MUST be classified for valid national security reasons.  Unfortunately, the ability to classify has sometimes been abused.  Take Reagan for example.  After Carter started a massive declassification program (I mean, heavens, we had stuff still classified from WWII!) Reagan came into office, halted the entire declassification program, and indeed made a move to classify every single bit of research being done in this country, even at universities.  Only an uproar from academics and other researchers forced him to rethink.  They argued they couldn’t conduct research if they were inhibited from exchanging information.  The result was DARPAnet…and out of that the Internet.

So state secrets are essential to our national security.  The question that must be decided by the courts is how to handle classified documents in a trial in such a way that protects national security without damaging the legal rights of those involved in a court case.  This is a very important question, and the District Court’s ruling is too broad, with the potential to seriously damage the essential secrecy privileges that really DO protect us.

Obama is quite right to ask for legal clarification.

But again, don’t expect this to matter one whit to the “Obama=Bush” crowd.

4 Responses to “Here We Go Again”

  1. Charles II said

    I hope you’re right, PW. This is a very important case, so if the career lawyers are going ahead with it against the wishes of the Obama Administration, they are playing with fire.

    Obama has yet to demonstrate in any substantive way that he takes issue with the unconstitutional wiretapping of Americans. Going along with the stay would be consistent with his past behavior, if not his rhetoric.

  2. Speaking of career people going against the wishes of the new administration, the DEA has been continuing raids on medical cannabis patients and providers in California.

  3. Doran Williams said

    It seems to me that hysteria, confusion and obfuscation about this issue, on this site and perhaps at Daily Kos, are running rampant. Is this quote accurate:

    “The legal brouhaha concerns [Judge Vaughn] Walker’s decision to admit as evidence a classified document allegedly showing that two American lawyers for a now-defunct Saudi charity were electronically eavesdropped on without warrants by the Bush administration in 2004.”

    If so, if the interlocutory appeal is only about this one, single trial court ruling on evidence, then the hand-wringing and breast beating are un-necessary, and perhaps deliberately mis-leading.

    This statement is definitely not accurate: “The January 5th ruling that the “state secrets” privilege does not exist in FISA-related cases was huge.”

    This is much, much too broad a characterization of that ruling on the one piece of evidence which it addressed. The trial judge has ruled only that as to this document there is no reason to allow the state secrets privilege to be asserted by the Executive because the matter is no longer secret. The reason for the classification of the document as secret no longer exists.

    Those who are elevating this issue to one of dire national security are blowing the entire matter way out of proportion. The DOJ is using this bogus threat to national security to get an edge in the underlying lawsuit. If the Court’s evidentiary ruling were not being appealed, and if the case were going to trial with the expectation that the document would be used as evidence, national security would not be harmed any more than it might already have been by discussion of the document, which I think is not at all. Any future litigant who attempts to use documents as to which the state secrets privilege is asserted, and the contents of which have not already been disclosed, will probably be blocked by a trial judge. The trial judge’s ruling in this case would not stop the assertion of the state secrets privilege by the government.

    So why are the advocates of the state secrets privilege cranking up their hyperbole generators? For one thing, to try to defeat the lawyers/plaintiffs in this case. For another, because they don’t understand what is going on here. And maybe for another, because they are hard-line statists and advocates of more state power who think the Fourth Amendment is quaint.

  4. Charles II said

    Doran, this is one of those things for which a little hysteria is the logical and natural thing to engage in. As I told Phoenix Woman,

    This is a shocking case. The government broke the law. When they were called on it, the government accidentally provided the evidence proving that it broke the law. The government now wants to use its classification power to cover up the crime. It’s the kind of thing that the Obama Administration should settle immediately, and all the lawyers who argued in favor of concealing a crime should be fired and disbarred.

    Is there some legal inside baseball that the Obama Administration is playing, and it will then do the right thing? Maybe. But first of all, “state secrets” has its roots in British law, not American law, and it is doubtful that it is really constitutional. In the case on which it’s based, US v. Reynolds, recently released documents make it clear that the government lied. It has been used roughly 50 times before Bush turned everything into a state secret. I haven’t seen convincing evidence that it’s useful for anything except concealing government malfeasance.

    Furthermore, the basis of FISA is that it is the sole law governing national security wiretapping. Therefore, there can’t be a separate “state secret” privilege. This is what the judge found.

    IMO, if Obama wanted to defend privacy, he would let the trial judge’s ruling stand and, furthermore, enter into the record an admission that this was a shameful misuse of the government’s authority. The higher up the ladder this goes, the more likely courts are to rule in favor of the government, i.e., in favor of state secrets.

    I’m no lawyer. But I have watched constitutional law cases involving civil liberties since Watergate. We are always told that our rights are being protected. But the only time that those who would encroach on them step back is when someone pays a price for disrespecting them.

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