Mercury Rising 鳯女

Politics, life, and other things that matter

Kudos to Jane and many other Firebaggers and environmental advocates

Posted by Charles II on November 3, 2015

Joseph Horton, Omaha World-Herald:

WASHINGTON — Trans­Canada wants a Keystone XL timeout.

The company on Monday asked the State Department to suspend consideration of its controversial pipeline while Nebraska officials review its route through the state.

Last month, TransCanada applied to the Nebraska Public Service Commission for route approval after opponents went to court, challenging the law under which the route had been approved by then-Gov. Dave Heineman.

“I note that when the status of the Nebraska pipeline route was challenged last year, the State Department found it appropriate to suspend its review until that dispute was resolved,” according to a statement from Russ Girling, TransCanada’s president and chief executive officer. “We feel under the current circumstances a similar suspension would be appropriate.”

TransCanada says it anticipates the PSC approval process in Nebraska will take seven to twelve months.

It’s not dead. Transcanada may be trying to avoid a ruling either by State or by Nebraska. But KXL is in trouble. And it all was possible because of the protests by Jane Hamsher and other members of that community, as well as a broad coalition of environmental groups.

One Response to “Kudos to Jane and many other Firebaggers and environmental advocates”

  1. It is now. Obama just killed it.

    Well, he took it off life support. The Saudis actually killed last year when they started flooding the market with crude in order to kill Keystone XL and the Bakken as well as the Orinoco Belt. Justin Trudeau will make some minor noises, but I suspect he’s privately relieved that there’s no point in throwing any more Canadian government support down that rathole.

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