Mercury Rising 鳯女

Politics, life, and other things that matter

Friday Cat Blogging

Posted by MEC on January 4, 2008

Still Life With Toy Mice


4 Responses to “Friday Cat Blogging”

  1. Stormcrow said

    Does Lady Lightfoot ever actually DO anything with those toy mice??

    I have given Bou toy mice past counting, and she studiously ignores them all.

    BTW, “Lightfoot” would not be an appropriate name for Bou. Back before she had my habits well and truly scoped out, she’d sometimes be still upstairs when I came home. The sounds of her running across the carpet were anything but light. A stealth kitty she isn’t.

  2. Bou = ThunderKitty!

  3. MEC said

    Toy mice have a very short halflife in my house. A new mouse gets the cats’ interest; they’ll bat it around like crazy. But then they lose interest.

  4. Charles said

    I’ve never understood that phenomenon. Maybe there’s a market for a “new mouse” smell, sort of like the “new car” odor they sell at the carwash.

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