Mercury Rising 鳯女

Politics, life, and other things that matter

McCain Offers an Imaginary Solution to a Real Problem

Posted by MEC on May 12, 2008

John McCain’s polishing his “maverick” credentials by breaking from the official Republican position to declare that global warming is real.

And he’s revealing his true colors as just another deluded corporatist by proposing a “free market” solution to the problem.

Which is the same as saying he’s going to do nothing about the problem. A “free market” is what we’ve had all along, and how much incentive have businesses had to change their energy-consuming, polluting ways? So far, as close to none as makes no difference. “Free market solution” is an oxymoron. McCain is just pulling the typical Republican trick of pretending to do something about a serious problem while enabling business as usual.

We don’t need business as usual. We need a real commitment to changing the habits that got us into this mess. We need someone who can see beyond the economic issues and the corporate interests.

John McCain is not that person.

3 Responses to “McCain Offers an Imaginary Solution to a Real Problem”

  1. Michael said

    Isn’t Barack Obama also favoring a cap and trade system? It could be that McCain is trying to co-opt here.

  2. gasdocpol said

    McCain has been able to BS everyone with his bogus war hero status . There is less to McNasty than meets the eye.

  3. MEC said

    There’s also more to McNasty than meets the eye, and none of it is good.

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