Mercury Rising 鳯女

Politics, life, and other things that matter

Where’s the Scandal?

Posted by MEC on May 19, 2008

Five — yes, five — high-level officials have recently left McCain’s campaign because their connection with ethically challenged lobbying has become too well known.

Where are the headlines describing McCain’s campaign as being “in disarray” because of the shakeup? Where are the articles about the ethics problem in the McCain camp? Where are the commentaries about the ethical implications of McCain’s close ties with such people? Where are the investigative reports into McCain’s dealings with Big Money? Where are the retrospectives reminding us about McCain’s role in the Keating scandal?

Why isn’t the loss of five campaign officials, more or less all at once, all for the same reason, this close to the national convention, a major above-the-fold issue?

Sigh. We all know the answer: It would only be a scandal if it were happening to a Democrat. Because McCain is a Republican, it’s only “fodder for critics”, as if the critics were somehow making it all up in order to have some kind of ammunition against Commander Straight Shooter.

3 Responses to “Where’s the Scandal?”

  1. Michael said

    Royal prerogative.

  2. […] President Bush and reinvent a Republican brand”, whereas the growing revelations about the lobbyist infestation in McCain’s campaign shows that McCain is just more of the same GOP corruption, besides being […]

  3. […] Comments Oh, the Irony … on Where’s the Scandal…Phoenix Woman on What a Coincidencekeno on What a CoincidenceMEC on What […]

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