Mercury Rising 鳯女

Politics, life, and other things that matter

Tell Y’all What

Posted by Phoenix Woman on September 4, 2008

I’m prepared to give the Palin clan somewhat more respect that John McCain gave Chelsea Clinton when she was Bristol Palin’s age.

8 Responses to “Tell Y’all What”

  1. Yeah, you’re way, way better than that.

    As for Sarah Palin herself, did she compare herself to a pitbull with lipstick last night?

  2. MEC said

    “As for Sarah Palin herself, did she compare herself to a pitbull with lipstick last night?”

    Yes, she did.

  3. […] A succinct statement on double-standards from Mercury Rising. […]

  4. Charles II said

    I would really like to do that cartoon.

    Unfortunately, I have no artistic talent.

  5. Stormcrow said

    This has nothing to do with whether we are “better” or not.

    This has everything to do with keeping the message simple and hammering away at it, over and over and over and over.

    Billmon on Republican options, post Palin: In Your Heart, You Know They’re White.

    His bottom line is that the only bullet left in the Republicans’ revolver this time out is identity politics.

    Racism, sectarianism, localism, tribalism, racism. They have to make a naked appeal to the lizard brain.

    That’s where the playing field is.

    Nobody who counts (that block of voters who can be shifted either way at this stage) is going to be doing much thinking. Particularly since the ones we want to reach are probably under quite a bit of stress right now. Stress is the mind-killer.

    They’re going to have to stretch to keep two ideas in their heads at any given time.

    Bristol is a distraction. Which I think Barack Obama probably figured out last week, at the latest.

    Stay on message. McCain == Bush. McCain voted with Bush 90% of the time.

  6. Charles II said

    I agree that Bristol is a distraction for most centrist voters, Stormcrow. They care whether they’re going to be eating and living indoors.

    But for the base, Palin’s assorted scandals–and especially the sexual ones– are important. The base determines how many door-to-door workers, compliant preachers, and vote stealers the Pubs can call in. The people inside the Convention may be cheering, but I would predict there are a lot more outside who are groaning. And, for the country club crowd, what they regard as trailer trash behavior does not add to the enthusiasm level.

    I’m laissez faire on this. Bash whatever you fancy bashing.

  7. Stormcrow said

    For you and me, yeah. Politically, we’re both ciphers.

    And keeping the morale of your base at a reasonably high level is important beyond question.

    But it is all going to come down to one concentrated specific schwerpunkt for the Obama campaign in the next two months.

    If they fail to stay on a single consistent simple direct message, or else fail to hammer that message almost into the autonomic nervous systems of the voters, they’re going to lose.

    Simple as that.

    Fortunately, I think Obama understands this very well.

    If I’m right about that, then he’s the first Democratic Presidential candidate to have gotten this right since 1960. That’s why the Republicans win. They’re very good at this. And that’s why we keep losing.

    You DO NOT win a national election at that level by appeals to reason. Example: Adlai Stevenson.

  8. Charles said

    Oh, definitely Obama should stay on message. And that message is McCain = Bush.

    He’s also threatening to sue stations that run false 527 ads, and he’s running counterads tying McCain to the Republican slime machine.

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