Mercury Rising 鳯女

Politics, life, and other things that matter

Veal Pen Preachers

Posted by Phoenix Woman on October 24, 2011

I wanted to share with you this gem of a post by FDL’s resident preacher man, Peterr:

This week, a friend forwarded me a CNN piece that shows the Veal Pen mentality hard at work in a place near and dear to me: the church. What’s particularly troubling is the selectivity of the Veal Pen mentality around matters of economics and greed:

[Bishop Harry Jackson] once described same-sex marriage as a satanic plot to destroy the family, called on Republicans to get “political Viagra” and said African-Americans needed to abandon what he called the Gospel of Victimization.

Jackson is not shy about stirring up controversy, but he stops short when it comes to preaching about greed. . .

“I’ve got to watch it,” said Jackson, pastor at Hope Christian Church in Beltsville, Maryland. “I could get into some big teaching on greed, but the reality is that a lot of that teaching may wind up creating anti-economic-growth and anti-capitalism concepts (in people’s minds). … I always talk about personal responsibility so we don’t get into the blame game.”

When you see a preacher who has no problem getting into the blame game when it come to marriage equality, but quakes at addressing greed, you’re looking at a Veal Pen Preacher.

Go read the whole thing. It’s some serious testifying.

One Response to “Veal Pen Preachers”

  1. jo6pac said

    Yep, the money changers have friends in the house of the so called christians.

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