Mercury Rising 鳯女

Politics, life, and other things that matter

Murdoch phone hacking befogged

Posted by Charles II on October 24, 2011

Parliamentary questioning of Les Hinton demonstrated that he’s one of the most competent corporate executives out there:

The culture committee questioned Les Hinton, the former executive chairman of Rupert Murdoch’s lot. He appeared from New York by video link. Thanks to modern technology, it was possible for a great cloud of ignorance, prevarication, vagueness and amnesia to billow across the Atlantic.

Mr Hinton knew nuffink and remembered less. You could have stopped any passing schoolboy and learned as much.

One of the great talents you must have to be a corporate executive is to be informed about every detail of your subordinates’ lives except when it involves your own personal liability. “Sociopathic” barely begins to describe it.

One Response to “Murdoch phone hacking befogged”

  1. jo6pac said

    Yep, the old out of the loop defense.

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