Mercury Rising 鳯女

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Posts Tagged ‘Kathy Nickolaus’

Kloppenburg Filing Open Records Request For Waukesha County

Posted by Phoenix Woman on April 8, 2011

Per WisPolitics, this statement from the Kloppenburg campaign, concerning the sudden discovery of what may be just enough Prosser votes to pull him into a lead without an automatic recount:

“Wisconsin voters as well as the Kloppenburg for Justice Campaign deserve a full explanation of how and why these 14,000 votes from an entire City were missed. To that end, we will be filing open records requests for all relevant documentation related to the reporting of election results in Waukesha County, as well as to the discovery and reporting of the errors announced by the County. We are confident that election officials in Waukesha County will fulfill these requests as quickly as possible so that both our campaign and the people of Wisconsin can fully understand what happened and why. Just as Assistant Attorney General Kloppenburg has run to restore confidence in the court, Wisconsin residents also deserve to have full confidence in election results.”

I understand that Waukesha County uses paper ballots. Which means a true recount is possible. Good news, considering the strangeness that swirls around that county and its clerk, who used to work for Prosser when he was the leader of the Wisconsin State Assembly.

(Crossposted to Renaissance Post.)

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