Mercury Rising 鳯女

Politics, life, and other things that matter

Which Presidential Campaigns Are The Worst For Diversity?

Posted by Phoenix Woman on June 15, 2007


Turns out that of the eight major presidential campaigns studied by — Clinton’s, Obama’s, Edwards’, Richardson’s, Biden’s, McCain’s, Giuliani’s and Romney’s — Giuliani’s is 100% white. Furthermore, even the least-diverse Democratic campaign, that of Joe Biden, was still twice as diverse than that of the most-diverse Republican campaign, which was John McCain’s.

Also telling: While was able to get extensive feedback from the people involved in the Democratic candidates’ campaigns, nobody on the Republican side would talk to them despite repeated efforts on’s part to contact them.

12 Responses to “Which Presidential Campaigns Are The Worst For Diversity?”

  1. […] Interesting: Turns out that of the eight major presidential campaigns studied by — Clinton’s, Obama’s, Edwards’, Richardson’s, Biden’s, McCain’s, Giuliani’s and Romney’s — Giuliani’s is 100% white. Furthermore, even the least-diverse Democratic campaign, that of Joe Biden, was still twice as diverse than that of the most-diverse Republican campaign, which was John McCain’s. […]

  2. MEC said

    My “Not Surprised” streak remains unbroken.

  3. […] Via the blog Mercury Rising: […]

  4. […] Mercury Rising via Alas, A […]

  5. Warren Terra said

    The raw data – or at least a value for n – would be really nice. My guess from the graph is that McCain and Romney each have two recognized minorities on staff (because the two small bars are of equal thinkness, the other possibility is that each has a small number of minorities equally split between two categories, and this seems less probable). But it’d be nice to know.

    I’d guess the raw numbers are at DiversityInc, but I don’t subscribe.

  6. The thing is, Warren, that while all the Democratic campaigns were happy to work with the DiversityInc people (and DiversityInc is a respected outfit; they’re not some bizarro wackjobs like, say, Pam “Atlas Shrugs” Oshry, to whom John Bolton gave two interviews), they got nothing — nothing — from any of the Republican campaigns. Nothing.

    You don’t need to see a stat breakdown to figure out what that means.

  7. GWB said

    Where does the George W. Bush administration place in this study, and why is his missing from this report ?

  8. Charles said


    Perhaps because he’s not a candidate, GWB?

    George Bush has had great diversity if one judges by the skin color or gender of his nominees. Unfortunately, they’re perfectly homogeneous when it comes to corruption.

  9. Game, set and match to Charles. As always. :-)

  10. […] Among the major Dem and GOP candidates, Clinton is the only one with a majority of women in her staff; she also has the lowest percentage of white staff members. Her staff is less than 40% white, and around 20% Asian and Black (and just under 20% Latino). Obama’s campaign, in contrast, is 20% female, and almost 60% white, with no AAPI representation at all. There is legitimate excitement about the potential for the U.S. to elect the first person of color as President. But despite Obama’s personal story, and his promises of a “new” politics and uniting Americans across ethno-racial and class lines, it is Clinton’s campaign staff that more accurately reflects what a diverse coalition looks like in this country. Considering Clinton’s reputation for prizing loyalty, this indicates to me that she’s built this professional coalition of women and people of color over time, and with care. It is no surprise to me that the mostly white, male political and media elite favor Obama – they see in his advisors and staff a reflection of their relevance and an opportunity for power. […]

  11. […] to that Clinton’s paid staff is 23% Asian, Obama has no Asians on his staff but has whites, blacks and Latinos. It’s interesting […]

  12. […] for a Hillary Clinton Administration is the diversity she promises to bring to the White House.  Among the major Dem and GOP candidates, Clinton is the only one with a majority of women in her staff; she also has the lowest percentage […]

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