Mercury Rising 鳯女

Politics, life, and other things that matter

Upton Sinclair!

Posted by Phoenix Woman on January 18, 2008

Once again: “It is difficult to get a man to understand a thing when his salary depends on his not understanding it.”

The corollary: “It is difficult to get a reporter to report a thing honestly when that thing pisses off the person who signs the reporter’s checks.”

John Edwards has been mugged, then disappeared, by the media, who vastly prefer trivia to substance. John Edwards advocates making the people who benefitted the most from Bush’s reign — namely, the very rich — cough up some of those gains to help out the country they’ve hollowed out. Unfortunately for Edwards, media moguls are among the very rich.

I think you can figure this out from here.

One Response to “Upton Sinclair!”

  1. Michael said

    He has to do something to change the dynamic. He cannot hope that things will turn around on their own, or wait for someone to stumble. I would like to support John Edwards but I am currently leaning toward Barack Obama, I can change my mind again between now and Feb 5. If I were to vote my conscience I would support Dennis Kucinich but I don’t think he’s got a realistic shot at this point. John Edwards still does.

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