Mercury Rising 鳯女

Politics, life, and other things that matter

Please Stop It

Posted by Phoenix Woman on June 11, 2007

The Wise and Noble Velvet-Arrayed (and mostly male) Press Pundits that spent the ‘Nineties jealously mocking Bill Clinton for his good looks — and American women for allegedly overlooking the alleged hideous evil lurking just below his pretty-boy surface — have now turned their anti-pretty-boy rhetoric against Edwards and Obama (who they call “Obambi“), gleefully enabling and propagating Republican talking points against them.

Yet (as TBogg via Atrios notes) these same people have been falling all over themselves, over and over and over again, to worship each and every one of the major Republican presidential candidates and their family members for their alleged studly, steely-eyed handsomenesses. (Ron Paul doesn’t get worshiped, because even though he’s a wacky anti-tax nutbar who hangs out with racist groups — normally a prime qualification for advancement in the Republican Party — he dares to oppose Bush’s wonderful and thrilling and marvelous occupation of Iraq.)

5 Responses to “Please Stop It”

  1. 1k9 said

    Ron’s likability goes deeper than just the Iraq war. It goes to the heart of what most of us growing up as Americans have ingrained into our core, that this is the “home of the free.” What has happened is that many of us are feeling the pinch of big government in every aspect of our lives, in our civil liberties, the lack of representation, and many other things to include immigration, foreign policy, and a nanny system of control.

    Many of us don’t know if there is a reasonable chance that Dr. Paul can win, but that makes us even more determined. For a lack of a better expression, it’s the underdog mentality that carries us, or at least carries me.

  2. Charles said

    1k9, I’d suggest reading Dave Neiwert on Ron Paul. Paul is not the man that many people think he is.

    I would point out that the pinch and lack of representation comes as much or more from corporate control as from governmental control. The typical person has a very small say in what government does, but no say in what corporations do. Eliminate the government, bad as it is, and you do not end up with the paradise that some libertarians envision. You end up with completely unaccountable, unelected power telling you what to do.

    And we know this, with absolute certainty, because the nation lived through a mild form of it in the late 19th century. God only knows what it would be like without some counterbalancing power from small farmers and small business.

  3. Karen said

    Right ON, Charles! I was at a meeting years ago concerning a bill for single-payer healthcare in California and a woman was going on and on about how we can’t trust the government. I’d finally had enough and asked her: “What makes you think you can trust a corporation, especially when you are not allowed to know what’s being decided in their board room?”

    She gave me a deer-in-the-headlights stunned look.

  4. But Karen! Business is good, government bad! Grover Norquist says so! Never mind that privatizing Social Security would send overhead costs up from their current less than 1% to between 13 and 17% (which is typical for those nations that have turned over their pensions plans to Big Business). Business is good, government bad!

    Seriously: Bush’s regime shows what life looks like when government is turned over to private “contractors” without any oversight or any concern for anything but providing cushy gigs for those contractors.

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