Mercury Rising 鳯女

Politics, life, and other things that matter

Murdoch computer hack against novelist. It’s in the public interest!

Posted by Charles II on April 13, 2012

Murdoch’s minions have been claiming that whatever hacking they did was in the public interest, something that might convince the faithful when it deals with suspected criminals. But a novelist? Sam Marsden of The Independent (The Guardian, oddly, seems to be behind the curve on this), reports as follows:

A detective unmasked as the writer of an anonymous blog after a Times journalist hacked into his email is suing the paper for damages, his solicitor has said.

Lancashire policeman Richard Horton, who was exposed by the News International title as the author of the award-winning NightJack blog in 2009, filed a civil claim with the High Court on Wednesday.

The Leveson Inquiry into press standards has heard that former Times reporter Patrick Foster hacked into Mr Horton’s emails in May 2009 to discover he was behind the NightJack blog.

Oh, but the Times’ editor was “furious” over the hacking, and demanded that the reporter discover the same information by legal means.

Instead of, ya know, firing him.

One Response to “Murdoch computer hack against novelist. It’s in the public interest!”

  1. I keep wondering whether NewsCorp or News International could survive a thorough and honest audit.

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