Mercury Rising 鳯女

Politics, life, and other things that matter

Archive for April 26th, 2008

Froomkin Gets It WRT Bush And Syria

Posted by Phoenix Woman on April 26, 2008

The WaPo’s Dan Froomkin nails it right out of the gate:

Intelligence reports from this administration can’t be taken at face value.
President Bush has built up a prodigious track record of selectively disclosing intelligence findings that serve his political agenda. And some of the most important of those findings, of course, turned out to be completely false.

The latest disclosure from the White House’s intelligence apparatus — that Syria secretly built a nuclear reactor with North Korean help — is in many ways a blockbuster. But at the same time, its highly suspicious timing raises doubts about the motivation behind its announcement.

And even if everything the administration says is true, there are many elements of the emerging story that deserve scrutiny.

Consider, for instance, that the Syrians were still nowhere near being able to build a nuclear weapon when the White House tacitly approved Israel’s attack on the facility. Did you think Bush’s pre-emption doctrine was dead? Just listen to the administration officials yesterday speaking sympathetically of Israel’s conclusion that it faced an “existential threat.”

Another obvious question: Why now? Why is the White House going public more than seven months after Israel’s attack?

Administration officials offered an explanation yesterday — saying that they were initially worried about provoking Syrian retaliation, and that the disclosure could actually help the ongoing nuclear negotiations with North Korea.

But there are still some who suspect the announcement is the work of Vice President Cheney and other administration neocons who are trying to upset those negotiations — and further ratchet up tensions with Iran. The White House statement about the Syrian installation insisted that “this development . . . underscores that the international community is right to be very concerned about the nuclear activities of Iran and the risks those activities pose to the stability of the Middle East.”

The timing outraged even Rep. Pete Hoekstra, the top Republican on the House Intelligence Committee, who had this to say after his meeting with CIA briefers yesterday: “I think many people believe that we were used today by the administration because – not because they felt they had to inform Congress because it was their legal obligation to do that, but because they had other agendas in mind. . . . I think what we saw in the committee today, I think the chairman would agree that the relationship that we need to get international issues done, foreign policy issues done, a trusting environment between the administration and Congress, does not exist.”

Go read the whole thing. It’s good.

Posted in abuse of power, Bush, BushCo malfeasance, Iraq war, Syria | Comments Off on Froomkin Gets It WRT Bush And Syria

Saturday Morning News Roundup

Posted by Phoenix Woman on April 26, 2008

— Funny how a lot of the people involved in the ad John McCain’s so publicly condemning are prominent members of his North Carolina campaign staff and answer either to him or to people employed by him.

— Glenn Greenwald on the media’s strange reluctance to cover a story that reveals them to be in the tank for Bush and the Iraq war (and wars in general).

— Larry Dobson, the publisher of a few small-town rural papers in Southern Minnesota, has a thoughtful take on rural bitterness that should shame the million-dollar big-timers in the national press. You have to pick up a paper copy to read the whole thing, but from the portion published online it looks to be worth the purchase.

Posted in 2008, Barack Obama, Iraq war, John McCain, mythmaking, news media | 2 Comments »