Mercury Rising 鳯女

Politics, life, and other things that matter

For Your Viewing Pleasure

Posted by MEC on April 29, 2009

There is an Official White House Photostream in Flickr.

Last year, I discovered that Barack Obama’s campaign had an official Flickr photostream, and went looking for other candidates. I found a few, but Obama’s photostream was the only one that was constantly adding new photos. That was one of the reasons I supported him: it showed he truly understood how to communicate, and he was willing to devote the resources to go where the people are. Though it was a small thing in terms of resources and effort, it was significant.

Besides, it’s cool.

4 Responses to “For Your Viewing Pleasure”

  1. Woof!

    Bo looks like a rag mop doggie. Such a cutie!

  2. MEC said

    Whenever I see a photo of President Obama with Bo, I think, “He got the dog for his children. Uh huh. Yeah. Right. Sure.”

  3. omen said

    another one. looks like he’s giving a presser.

  4. MEC said


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