Mercury Rising 鳯女

Politics, life, and other things that matter

NYT Irrelevancy Watch: Helene Cooper Edition

Posted by Phoenix Woman on May 26, 2009

The New York Times‘ Helene Cooper claimed Obama was attacking straw men. Except that, as Publius of Obsidian Wings notes, every single one of the “straw men” Cooper cites is very real indeed, as fifteen minutes with Lexis-Nexis or even plain old Google would have shown her.

Even better: as Robert Waldmann points out here, Cooper is a repeat offender — she tried this garbage six weeks ago — and had to butcher an Obama quote to do it.


2 Responses to “NYT Irrelevancy Watch: Helene Cooper Edition”

  1. Doran said

    One of many examples of why I did not re-up my subscription to the print NYT.

  2. Charles II said

    What is The New York Times? Some kind of Rolex?

    (Seriously, for many years my favorite time of the week was Sunday morning, reading The NY Times over a pitcher of coffee, eggs, and bacon. I could do the puzzle in 30 minutes to an hour, most days. But when they character-assassinated the Clintons, it all turned to ashes.)

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