Mercury Rising 鳯女

Politics, life, and other things that matter

The Results Are In

Posted by Phoenix Woman on April 29, 2009

After weeks of pummelling and a well-orchestrated faux-grassroots conservative event heavily promoted by Rupert Murdoch’s media empire (especially FOX), guess what? Poll after poll shows President Obama’s approval ratings are sky-high.

Imagine that.

2 Responses to “The Results Are In”

  1. MEC said

    Correlation is not causation, but it makes me wonder.

    Way back when I was a teenager, a screed written by Phyllis Schlafly opposing the Equal Rights Amendment convinced me to support the Amendment. There may be a similar dynamic there: the rightwingers are so obviously crazy that people associate themselves with the rightwingers’ opponents.

  2. That’s only because the pollsters are treating black people as if they were real people.

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