Mercury Rising 鳯女

Politics, life, and other things that matter

Archive for July 4th, 2012

WaPo stirs from its deep slumber to notice Mexican election theft/Updated: German press also hostile

Posted by Charles II on July 4, 2012

Washington Post:

Thousands of people rushed to stores Tuesday to redeem pre-paid gift cards they said were given to them previously by the party that won Mexico’s presidency, inflaming accusations that the weekend election was marred by widespread vote-buying.

At least a few cardholders were angry, complaining that they didn’t get as much as promised or that their cards weren’t working. Neighbors at one store in a poor neighborhood on the outskirts of Mexico City said the unusually large crowds prevented them from doing their daily shopping.

Under Mexican election law, giving voters gifts is not a crime unless the gift is conditioned on a certain vote or meant to influence a vote. However, the cost of such gifts must be reported, and cannot exceed campaign spending limits.

Allegations of vote-buying were not limited to Mexico City, with complaints cropping up in several battleground states. PAN accused Pena Nieto’s campaign of acquiring about 9,500 prepaid gift cards worth nearly $5.2 million (71 million pesos) to give away for votes.

If all/most of the votes bought involved telling people they would get $37.50 and they got $7.50, I would bet that a whole bunch of people will support a recount.
Update: From Yetlaneci Alcaraz of Proceso, the German press is making mincemeat of the new government. I haven’t checked this directly. From what I can make of Die Zeit’s reporting, it doesn’t sound sarcastic.

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