Mercury Rising 鳯女

Politics, life, and other things that matter

The ‘Liberal’ Media Spin the Rezko Conviction

Posted by MEC on June 4, 2008

No, I am not at all surprised that the AP report on Tony Rezko being convicted of fraud and money laundering describes Rezko as “a prominent fundraiser for Sen. Barack Obama and Gov. Rod Blagojevich” (both Democrats) and says nothing about Rezko’s much deeper ties to prominent Republican Bob Kjellander.

This isn’t quite as egregious as the news media persisting in the canard that Jack Abramoff was just as involved with Democrats as he was with Republicans, but it’s in the same category. The media race to accuse the Democrats of corruption, but when Republicans are involved, they do their best to look the other way.

One Response to “The ‘Liberal’ Media Spin the Rezko Conviction”

  1. Oh, exactly.

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