Mercury Rising 鳯女

Politics, life, and other things that matter

Friday Cat Blogging

Posted by MEC on June 6, 2008

You can probably guess what happened next.

3 Responses to “Friday Cat Blogging”

  1. I love how Lightfoot’s tail is straight out, and her ears are pointed back. She knows full well who’s behind her, and he’s about to get the smack laid down on him.

  2. Stormcrow said

    There seems to be plenty of that to go around this summer.

    The Greymouse is getting his share, and so am I. LOL.

    It seems that Bou, in her role as Queen of the House, is .. ahem .. royally .. pissed off at the wretched stinking lousy lot of us.

    I’m in for it because she’s got a bad case of undercoat shedding this year, to the point of dandruff flakes, her first ever. And she DOES NOT like to have her fur combed out. And the Mouse is in for it, as usual, because he’s in the wrong place at the wrong time.

  3. MEC said

    Stormcrow, Lightfoot hates being combed or brushed, but she’s let me use the FURminator on her for as long as 20 minutes. It’s designed to thin out the undercoat. It’s pricey, but it’s Worth Every Penny. This is the first spring she hasn’t had wheezing fits from swallowing hair.

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