Mercury Rising 鳯女

Politics, life, and other things that matter

Dorkwad State Legislator Outs Blogger Who Dared Pick On Him

Posted by Phoenix Woman on March 28, 2009

Seems that Mike Doogan, a Democratic state representative and ally of Sarah Palin, has an obsession with outing anonymous bloggers, especially those that point out uncomfortable truths about him.

This has touched off a firestorm in the world of Alaskan politics, and Doogan’s been receiving hundreds if not thousands of outraged e-mails and phone calls. But the most effective way to get a message into his thick head is probably this way:

If you want to really express your outrage, you should write an email to the Democrats with the real power, the Minority Leader and Minority Whip. There email addresses are, .

Here’s the email I sent:

Dear Minority Leader Kerttula and Minority Whip Guttenberg,

You may or may not be aware of this but a fellow member of the Democratic Caucus, Rep. Mike Doogan, has taken it upon himself to trample upon the privacy of a citizen of Alaska. Rep. Doogan recently unilaterally and maliciously revealed the identity of a anonymous female blogger who writes the site Mudflats. Rep. Doogan’s actions were reprehensible and will involuntarily expose this poor woman and her family to the harsh light of the public media spotlight.

Please find below my email to Rep. Doogan complaining about his deplorable actions. I hope that you will take this matter under advisement and consider how poorly these actions by Rep. Doogan tarnish the image of the Democratic Party in Alaska.

If you want to really spread the word, you should email the Joint Committee on Legislative Ethics. Their emails are,,, .

Here’s the email I sent:

Dear Reps. Coghill and Gardner and Sens. Stevens and Wagoner,

You may or may not be aware of this but a member of the Alaska House of Representatives, Rep. Mike Doogan, has taken it upon himself to trample upon the privacy of a citizen of Alaska. Rep. Doogan recently unilaterally and maliciously revealed the identity of an anonymous female blogger who writes the blog Mudflats. Rep. Doogan’s actions were reprehensible and will involuntarily expose this poor woman and her family to the harsh light of the public media spotlight.

Please find below my email to Rep. Doogan complaining about his deplorable actions. As members of the Alaska legislature’s Joint Committee on Legislative Ethics, I hope that you will take this matter under advisement and consider how poorly these actions by Rep. Doogan tarnish the image of the Alaska legislature.

You know what to do.  (By the way: As noted above, Doogan has made his political bed with Sarah Palin, which with the big blowup (and not just the Mount Redoubt volcano) going on right now was probably not a wise move. He could try switching parties, but since he represents the Anchorage district, that would put him in an even worse electoral spot.)

8 Responses to “Dorkwad State Legislator Outs Blogger Who Dared Pick On Him”

  1. […]… Possibly related posts: (automatically generated)My friend Mudflats…You have a choice to make. I […]

  2. Writing from Alaska said

    Hello and thanks for your good words for AKM – as a forum member and anon blogger, I am asking folks who go to the trouble to advocate for AKM to not just call Doogan into accountability, but to also advocate for other issues in Alaska. Standing up to Palin to request full acceptance of the stimulus money with wise use of same, for example. Can we use this opportunity to turn the tide and advocate for improved governance in Alaska? Yes, we can.

  3. Carl said

    Lol …Doogan ally of Sarah Palin? You mean the same Doogan who wrote a hit piece on the Governor a few weeks ago and went on local media air to trash her?

    You are kidding right?

    Research more on why he released the name of this hateful blogger. PS: I won’t be visiting that museum she owns in Anchorage hahahahaa…

    This is why lower 48 folks need to mind their own business.

  4. […] Comments Carl on Dorkwad State Legislator Outs …Writing from Alaska on Dorkwad State Legislator Outs …Elliot on UPS Does It By Bike (In […]

  5. Charles II said

    Violating people’s privacy makes it everyone’s business, Carl. It’s very possibly a crime, and it’s certainly something no real American would do.

  6. Ennealogic said

    @ Carl – why don’t you tell us, Carl? Tell us why Rep. Doogan did what he did, please. And while you are at it, tell us where Rep. Doogan got his information. And for good measure, please point to a single blog post — just one — that demonstrates AKM’s “hateful” blogging.

    Thanks. Oh, and unless Alaska secedes, what happens in AK matters to all Americans.

  7. Carl:

    1) Doogan may have started out as a critic of Palin, but once AKM took him to task for being crass back in December (ironically enough, for e-mail abuse), he seemed to have forgot all about going after Palin and instead focused all his time and energy into a single-minded vendetta against AKM — a vendetta that, as knowledgable Alaskans have pointed out, would likely have required the aid of persons in the state bureaucracy (which is stacked with Palin buddies).

    2) Doogan misused state resources, including his state e-mail account, in order to go after AKM. Even someone who doesn’t agree with AKM on the issues thinks that this is reprehensible.

    3) Depending on how Doogan obtained the information, he could be guilty of yet another ethics violation (Alaska State Ethics Code, AS24.60.060 – using his office to obtain private information about a citizen), as well as a crime (AS11.56.860 – making that information public). And that’s just the state law. Go visit to get a taste of the Federal laws he may have broken. If one of Palin’s high-school buddies now working in state government helped him out with this, this could be the final straw for a person who has now managed to make bitter enemies out of even her fellow Republicans.

  8. Charles II said

    There is no point in wasting a single syllable on “Carl,” or whatever his name is, PW. This is just a drive-by to “piss off the liberals.” It does not represent the opinion of a thinking human being or of an American who cares about his country.

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