Mercury Rising 鳯女

Politics, life, and other things that matter

Senate Finally Admits Corporatist HCR Is DOA; Public Option Revived By Pingree And Polis

Posted by Phoenix Woman on January 27, 2010

Give Jane Hamsher a hand, because she and Representative Grijalva knew what was coming, as well as how to fight it so that a true HCR bill would rise from its ashes:

Against all odds, the $1.4 million being spent each day on lobbying failed. Those who insisted that it was unfair to force the country to pay money to private insurance companies without the alternative of a government run program won. We won because of Raul Grijalva’s leadership, and because the public rejected a health care bill that put corporations first and people second.

Now it’s time to return to the task of passing real health care reform. And this morning in the Houuse, Chellee Pingree and Jared Polis are pushing the Senate to reconsider the public option.

For those people who are genuinely concerned about the Federal deficit, the public option is the better choice as it cuts over $100 billion from the deficit over a ten-year period, in addition to providing better coverage for more Americans than ever before.

The good guys are winning for a change, and it’s because they planned ahead and thought several moves ahead.

4 Responses to “Senate Finally Admits Corporatist HCR Is DOA; Public Option Revived By Pingree And Polis”

  1. Charles II said

    My read of the politics is very different. I was listening to Alice Rivlin, who is about as much of a quiet insider as one can imagine. She said that the health care bill was “a detour” and predicted nothing more would happen.

    If that’s what happens, it will not be good for Democrats. Politically, it’s better in the short term to have a bad bill than nothing at all. They need to pass a good bill, but that looks like a tall order.

  2. jacksmith said

    A LINE IN THE SAND – From jacksmith – WorkingClass

    My Fellow Americans and People Of The World

    A strong Government-run MEDICARE like Public Option is STILL! CRITICAL!

    We have had a long hard struggle to find out what would be the BEST! that this congress and the Whitehouse could do to fix our highly dangerous, poor quality, most costly, and MOST! disgraceful healthcare delivery system in the world. It is clear that congress can do much more for the American people than what is proposed so far.

    It is clear that congress can pass a strong GOVERNMENT-run public option CHOICE. Available to everyone on day one. Expand Medicare and not levy any new taxes on workers healthcare benefits and plans. LET THIS BE YOUR LINE IN THE SAND!

    Lastly, there can be NO! INDIVIDUAL MANDATES without a strong Government-run MEDICARE like Public Option CHOICE. Or the American people WILL! and SHOULD! revolt with an all out CIVIL WAR against congress and this Government.

    House and Senate progressives and the tri-caucuses should aggressively push for the inclusion of a strong Public Option, Medicare expansion, and no new taxes on workers healthcare benefits and plans. If the obstructionist kill meaningful healthcare reform, then you should kill this bill. Because it will be far worse than the healthcare disaster we have now. It’s failure will be on the obstructionist heads. And they will be punished and replaced.


    What is proposed in the Senate bill is the worst case scenario for health-care reform. It would shift trillions of taxpayer, public and private dollars into the hands of the private insurance industry (The single most costly, deadly and dangerous product sold in America). And it would compel by law millions of Americans to financially support this oxymoronic criminal enterprise. You cant have a individual MANDATE WITHOUT A STRONG PUBLIC OPTION CHOICE!

    You will have NO! realistic way of controlling cost and quality. Cost will continue soaring through the roof bleeding the American people dry, and KILLing our economy. And our quality of healthcare will continue to decline below our current ranking of “WORST! quality of healthcare delivery in the developed World”.

    From the very start, the American people have been crystal clear about what they wanted. They wanted a humane single payer system like the rest of the developed world has (HR676). Or at least a humane strong GOVERNMENT-run public option CHOICE!! This is what the American people gave the democrats control of the house, control of the senate, and control of the Whitehouse to do.

    Those of you that can, should prepare now to remove every member of congress that fails to support YOUR healthcare reform with a strong Public Option, Medicare expansion, and no new taxes on workers healthcare benefits and plans. Run against them in teams if you have to. But take them out. And replace them with a strong single payer or PRO PUBLIC OPTION CHOICE candidate.

    Now! is the time to bring maximum pressure on your members of congress. Contact your representatives and spread the word.

    The Public Option


    I have to tell you now that the H1N1 virus is a man-made WEAPON OF MASS DESTRUCTION! and TERROR! …

    [Edited by site owner]

    From Charles: Jack, this comment is regarded as spam by Akismet, the Spam filter used by WordPress. The most likely explanation for this is that your posting of the identical comment in many places where it is completely irrelevant to the topic under discussion has p–sed off enough people that your IP has been blacklisted by WordPress.

    As for your claims that H1N1 is either man-made or a weapon of mass destruction, I regard these as reckless. They are certainly unsubstantiated. If you can find any reputable source to substantiate anything that you are saying, I would be happy to bail your comments out of spam jail. But it looks to me as if Akismet made a good call.

  3. […] Health Insurance Reform Stuff: Senate admits that a bill full of gifts to insurance companies and drug companies without an equal o…. Howard Dean on how to do it […]

  4. Charles II said

    Ruben, your post looks like commercial spam. This is a thread about healthcare, not about term life insurance. If you can convince me that you are not a spammer, I will be happy to reinstate the comment. But I am getting very, very, very tired of spam.

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