Mercury Rising 鳯女

Politics, life, and other things that matter

Hypocritical NOM Praises Chick-fil-A’s Anti-Marriage Stance, Yet Calls For Corporate “Neutrality” In Minnesota Marriage Debate

Posted by Phoenix Woman on July 22, 2012

Alvin McEwen of Pam’s House Blend has the deets:

You may remember that a while back, NOM was demanding that companies in Minnesota adopt a neutral stance on the amendment the state will be voting on in regards to gay marriage. It sent the following letter to 50 Minnesota companies:

As a cultural matter that has little to do with your corporate mission to serve customers, earn profits, and provide good jobs for the people of Minnesota we would request that _____ adopt a neutral stance on the Minnesota marriage amendment. We do not request that you endorse our efforts to protect the age-old definition of what is a marriage, but only that you stay neutral and respect the conscience rights of your customers and employees who are on both sides of the issue.[…]
Wading into a culture war over an issue where _____ has no business interest is to invite public backlash, much like what Starbucks is experiencing in the campaign, with little upside. Polls have put support for the Minnesota marriage amendment at 56% – higher than polls in North Carolina had support for the marriage amendment there just prior to the 61-39% victory for marriage in that state.[…]
We are carefully watching what _____ will do on this important measure, with the expectation that you will not be engaged on one side or the other. Please let us know if this is not the case.

Naturally, NOM has taken a different tone with Chick-fil-A’s stance, calling the company’s president, Dan Cathy, “a corporate hero for marriage” on its blog.

But of course they would.

One Response to “Hypocritical NOM Praises Chick-fil-A’s Anti-Marriage Stance, Yet Calls For Corporate “Neutrality” In Minnesota Marriage Debate”

  1. Charles II said

    If it weren’t for hypocrisy, what would the right-wing have?

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