Mercury Rising 鳯女

Politics, life, and other things that matter

A Quick Note of Correction

Posted by Phoenix Woman on July 6, 2011

Governor Dayton is not currently asking for higher taxes on all millionaires, only on those who make $1 million or more a year — the 7,700 individuals mentioned.

Karl Northman
, a stalwart of the old and lamented Table Talk, set us all straight:

The problem with the number of millionaires is a problem with Star-Tribune reporting. Dayton’s final offer was to raise the taxes on people earning more than a million dollars a year. The Strib managed to refer to that as “millionaires” – but in normal usage, a millionaire is someone with a million in assets – a vastly larger group. I believe his original proposal (that he ran on, and held firm on for a long time, was for tax increases on the top 2%, which I recall as being in the neighborhood of $250K a year.

As soon as I read the article, I knew that was going to be one of those stupid copy-editor tricks that never goes away.

The Strib today published a letter from a reader pointing out their mistake.

Thanks, Karl!

(Crossposted to Renaissance Post.)

2 Responses to “A Quick Note of Correction”

  1. Charles II said

    And of course the Strib has issued a correction not.

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