Mercury Rising 鳯女

Politics, life, and other things that matter

Friday Noon News Roundup

Posted by Phoenix Woman on October 19, 2007


— So, if Cynthia McKinney had to be forced out of Congress for being anti-Semitic, what does that say about Al Wynn’s campaign (h/t Atrios)? Or is it OK because he’s Rahm Emanuel’s bestest fwend evah?

— The ACLU’s good FISA bill in the House (HR 3782) was shot down. The not-so-good House bill (the RESTORE Act) was sabotaged by Eric Coulter Cantor. The horrific Bush-and-telco-coddling, Constitution-raping Senate bill is being waved onto the Senate floor, over the holds and objections voiced by Senators Chris Dodd and Patrick Leahy, with hugs and kisses from Harry Reid and Dianne Feinstein.

But Chris Dodd has something to say about that: FILIBUSTER!

Reward good behavior.

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