Mercury Rising 鳯女

Politics, life, and other things that matter

This Is Amazing

Posted by Phoenix Woman on October 29, 2007

Even as Tom Tancredo announces that he’s not running for reelection to his Congressional seat, presumably so he can kick up up his presidential campaign a notch to pick up the Brownback bigot vote that’s been abandoned now that Sammy’s been cuddling up to Rudy in the apparent hope of getting a VP slot, we have this news out in the hinterlands:

WILLMAR — Sen. Joe Gimse said he’d like to see Minnesota offer worker ID cards to illegal immigrants.Doing so would allow “hard-working” undocumented immigrants who are already living here to get “out of the shadows” and work at businesses that need, and want, them.

The Willmar Republican said employer-sponsored identification cards would remove the “criminal aspect” of being here to work.

It would also reduce identity theft because illegal immigrants could use their own identity to get a job legitimately while they work toward becoming legal citizens.

“They’re working hard in our state and we need them here,” Gimse said. “My hope is that this eliminates a lot of the need for illegal activity.”

This is shockingly sane and humane, considering that Gimse’s an anti-gay, anti-choice guy. So far, he hasn’t got any real flames for doing this.  In the meantime, his position is eminently saner than that of Dick Day, the state’s most prominent Republican “elder statesman”, who is trying to dislodge Tim Walz by playing the bigot card.

3 Responses to “This Is Amazing”

  1. Carol said

    The next question is, is he a corporatist? That seems to be the real drive behind all of this.

  2. Stormcrow said

    I have not surveyed this situation, but I’d guess that he’s almost certainly a corporatist.

    But this country has been ruled by corporatists for at least the last 150 years. Most of them, up until the last few decades, seemed to “take care of business”. The ones we’ve got now don’t give a leaping damn. Third generation money. Oxygen wasters. Which is why they’ve handed the running of this country over to obvious madmen from the lunatic fringe that the Republicans have traditionally shunned up until the Southern Strategy took a firm hold.

    Corporatists are pretty much all we can expect at this stage in our national lemming deathmarch. If you doubt this, take a good long reflective look at the Democratic ’08 Presidential front runners. Just make sure you do this on an empty stomach.

    The question uppermost in my mind is: is he a sane and forethoughtful corporatist? Or is he going to pour the family business down the drain for the few pennies he can squeeze from this exercise?

  3. Charles said

    The men who made America wealthy and powerful were all corporatists and pirates, from John Jacob Astor to John Reed. A guy like JP Morgan, truly a pirate if there ever was one, understood that if he killed the golden goose, it was his problem too. The guys running things now figure that if things go sour, they’ll retire to a ranch down in Paraguay.

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