Mercury Rising 鳯女

Politics, life, and other things that matter

On This Day in History

Posted by MEC on May 9, 2007

May 9, 1974 – The United States House of Representatives Judiciary Committee opened formal and public impeachment hearings against President Richard M. Nixon.

It’s a good day for impeachment. A girl can dream.

4 Responses to “On This Day in History”

  1. And even in a poll done by a buddy of Newt Gingrich’s, nearly 40% of Americans back impeachment.

  2. You have a better imagination regarding the Democrats than I do, MEC.

  3. MEC said

    I just believe that every times someone mentions impeachment, somewhere a wingnut’s head explodes.

    Impeachment impeachment impeachment impeachment impeachment impeachment impeachment impeachment impeachment impeachment impeachment impeachment impeachment impeachment impeachment impeachment impeachment impeachment impeachment impeachment impeachment ….

  4. […] MEC. […]

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