Mercury Rising 鳯女

Politics, life, and other things that matter

@geotie2323 On Twitter, AKA George Tierney of Greenville, SC, Does Not Understand The Internet

Posted by Phoenix Woman on May 21, 2012

@geotie2323 on Twitter, aka George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina, is a conservative Twitter user who seems to have issues with the proper use of the internet — which (sarcasm on) is astonishing, because dear old ALEC cabin boy John Hinderaker says that conservatives are better at the ‘net than liberals, and Hinderaker could never be wrong or lie, right? (sarcasm off)

Yet the estimable TBogg has been assiduously documenting George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina’s problems with both Foot-in-Mouth Disease and his desire to rewrite reality; the latest installment is right here. Just go read it in all its glory.

Truly, @geotie2323 on Twitter, aka George Tierney of Greenville, SC, does not understand how the internet works, and is a hypocritical douchebag, a coward who can’t take a tenth of what he likes to dish out, and a silly twit who never learned the lesson “don’t let your mouth write checks that your ass ain’t prepared to cash”.

And that is all.
Charles butting in here. I want to preserve a token of the late (from the Twitterverse) geotie2323 for posterity. Fortunately Betty Cracker has done that for us:

He will be remembered as such a sweet and gentle soul, torn too soon from our loving breasts.

Or is he resurrected? His tweets are now visible. Perhaps we won’t have to mourn his passing after all.

23 Responses to “@geotie2323 On Twitter, AKA George Tierney of Greenville, SC, Does Not Understand The Internet”

  1. Maria said

    From what I can tell, he likes to bully women and is just really mad when they successfully stand up to him, and God forbid that they stand up for each other. He’s a real charmer, South Carolina should be proud (sarcasm on).

  2. Charles II said

    I guess all that’s left is to open up an entry on UrbanDictionary for georgetierney:

    To ensure that your descendents unto the seventh generation will remember you as being a blot on the family escutcheon by the injudicious use of abusive profanity on a public forum. Usage: “Ohno. I have just georgetierneyed myself on live teevee! To which desert isle may I flee to escape the jeers and whispers?”

    Oh, and I suppose that a diary on Kos, Eschaton, and a couple of other A-list sites couldn’t hurt.

  3. He’s also in the “Obama is a Muslim” camp from what I read on his twitter page…I think that says all you need to know about him

  4. jerkyboi said

    Haven’t you left out the part where George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina, on Twitter, was hoist on his own retard (as reported by TBogg at )?

    This hoist on his own retard feature, and the identifying characteristics associated with it, have also been reported here where others have posted other related links to Mr George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina who apparently posted indiscreet and inflammatory comments about Sandra Fluke on the twitter account @geotie2323 that some poster posting under the name George Tierney now wants some of this to have never happened, and to be forgotten and deleted too.

    George Tierney of Greenville South Carolina may become an internet meme, and has indeed been hoist on his own retard as reported by TBogg and others.

    Indeed the wingers are winning the Twitter war, and Mr. Tierney sad situation must be just an example of having to break some eggs to make the omelette.

  5. nym said

    I like to think of George Tierney of Greenville South Carolina as Mr. Fistula.

  6. Jerkyboi said

    An impotent update issued by George Tierney Jr. or someone claiming to be him. Either he is having a busy bad day, or is just faking poutrage. The real George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina is already famous on the internet. One of many new links is which is where this impotent update was noticed.

    “all you stupid fucks, im george tierneyjr, leave my dad alone as he has nothing to do with my views. im at FUCKERS”!/geotie2323/status/204778514052947970

  7. Charles II said

    Looks like game, set, match against Mr. George Tierney of Greenville, SC.

    Once you get on a recognized news site, Teh Google is merciless.

    • Charles II said

      Adding: I don’t know they managed this, but I think it will leave a mark.

      • Jerkyboi said

        I just searched “George Tierney””Greenville at google news, and was amazed at how famous George Tierney (JR?) has become. This has happened just since he was “hoist on own retard” as reported by some TBogg.

        I’m impressed. What will George Tierney JR. of Greenville South Carolina- who is not to be confused with George Tierney of Greenville South Carolina- say about the latest google exploit? Perhaps he can SUE THEM TOO!

  8. Charles II said

    The one thing we can count on, I suspect, is that Mr. George Tierney of Greenville South Carolina will blame everyone except himself for his notoriety.

    It appears that his Twitter account has disappeared. is with us:

  9. don carbon said

    I sent him a little message and got a nice reply:

    To: “”
    Sent: Tuesday, May 22, 2012 08:49 AM
    Subject: Hey fuckface

    How about you come to Austin, Texas and I’ll show you how to talk to a lady, you little bitch?

    Fuck you.

    From George Tierney Tue May 22 08:54:44 2012
    X-Apparently-To: via; Tue, 22 May 2012 08:56:45 -0700

    fuck off


    George Tierney Jr

    (He’s deleted his yahoo mail acct. now)

    • Charles II said

      Taking the subtle approach, eh, Don?

      For what it’s worth, I think that Tierney loses when people keep the focus on his words and he gains sympathy when people abuse him.

      • don carbon said

        Yeah, I don’t usually do that, but he’s such an articulate gentleman, that may be the only language he understands. ;)
        A bully begets a bully, and I’d love an opportunity to “set him right”. I’m sure he got far worse than that. He’s no victim.

      • Charles II said

        Oh, he deserves a lot more than he has gotten or ever will, I imagine, Don.

        But always remember: there are people in the undecided middle who are the ones who ultimately make a difference. If ‘wingers can paint themselves as victims, those people will say, “Both sides do it.”

        The reality, of course, is that the right-wing touched off our growing national civil war starting really with Nixon’s interference with the Vietnam peace talks, continuing through Watergate and Iran Contra and the dirty election of 1994 and impeachment and Florida all the way to birtherism, the smearing of ACORN, and so on. At some point, people get frustrated and think that they deserve a dose of what they dish out. But in terms of winning the larger conflict, what works is simply showing people who these people are. The core of ‘wingerism is dishonesty, ignorance, and the sowing of hatred.

        As George Tierney’s own unvarnished words demonstrate.

  10. don carbon said

    Agreed, 100%. Well-spoken.
    I just wanted to rattle his cage if I could. It was fun and I liked it. ;)

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