Mercury Rising 鳯女

Politics, life, and other things that matter

An Alaskan Analyzes Palin’s Record

Posted by MEC on August 31, 2008

Andrew Halcro, a former member of the Alaska legislature who ran for governor in 2006, analyzes Sarah Palin’s positives and negatives.

I can only guess that McCain is counting on the so-called liberal media to overlook her negatives.

4 Responses to “An Alaskan Analyzes Palin’s Record”

  1. I think your post should make clear that the author ran against Sarah Palin in 2006 and lost.

  2. Who better to analyze her strengths as a candidate?

    Besides, the author makes that perfectly clear himself, if you click through to read the piece.

  3. MEC said

    “I think your post should make clear that the author ran against Sarah Palin in 2006 and lost.”

    The post says the author ran for governor in 2006. If readers can’t figure out that means he ran against the current governor and lost, I doubt that spelling it out for them would help.

  4. If they don’t bother to read the article or figure it out for themselves, I suppose the comments here will clue them in anyhow. :)

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