Mercury Rising 鳯女

Politics, life, and other things that matter

I’m Spartacus.

Posted by Phoenix Woman on February 15, 2007

I’m here to represent in the Spartacus Army. (For Amanda as well as Melissa.)


Thanks to Driftglass (via Tild) for the concept.

3 Responses to “I’m Spartacus.”

  1. Kitty said

    What is it about wingnuts and spelling? Do they think literacy is all girly or something?

    Glad to find this corner of the tubes. I’ll be back.

  2. Kitty said

    Quicker than I thought. The spelling reference was to ‘right hand’s’ screwup of “embarassment.”

  3. Oh, I got it, Kitty. I don’t think that Mister Apologist For Anti-Semites did. He’s an alcoholic white-supremacist woman-hater who thinks he has pretensions to stalking every so often; I banned him from the old blog over at Blogspot and he thinks he’s being clever. I’m surprised it’s taken him so long to find the new spot; the Korsakoff’s Syndrome must finally be kicking in.

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