Mercury Rising 鳯女

Politics, life, and other things that matter

A long train of abuses: emanations of the pResident

Posted by Charles II on July 21, 2007

Glenn Greenwald, Salon (via Avedon):

The Bush administration decided to announce to Washington Post reporters Dan Eggen and Amy Goldstein its view that it has the power to block the Justice Department, and its U.S. Attorneys, from criminally prosecuting Executive Branch employees who refuse to comply with Congressional subpoenas, notwithstanding a statute enacted by the American people through their Congress requiring such prosecution where Congress issues a contempt citation. We do not know who specifically in the administration announced this obviously radical position because the Post courteously granted them a shield of anonymity to hide behind.  (Quoting from The Post article:) ” In practical terms, he said, ‘U.S. attorneys are emanations of a president’s will.'”

What is at issue is absolutely basic to American law and history. Congress was created before and superior to the president. Congress can impeach a president, but a president cannot impeach a member of Congress. 

The Founders feared a powerful executive, because they had been treated to the abuses of a king. The Constitution therefore granted Congress extraordinary powers to oversee the work of the Executive branch. The president was authorized to administer Executive Branch employees. Administration did not include breaking or ignoring laws or impeding the other branches of government from conducting their duties. 

This president continues to prove that the powers that the Executive branch has accumulated are too great and must be drastically reduced. We continue on course to a breakdown of the first American Republic because the Congress fails to do so.

5 Responses to “A long train of abuses: emanations of the pResident”

  1. If the recent appointees for US Attorneys are the “emanations of the President’s will”- well, that would explain the need for a colonoscopy.

  2. Charles said

    You got that one right, sc.

  3. Alan Coltharp said

    The President’s will has emanations? So now these morons are

  4. Nah, they’re just making it up as they go along, Alan. They’re showing once and for all that they don’t give a rodent’s buttocks for the rule of law.

  5. Charles said

    That’s are definitely not Christians, Alan.

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