Mercury Rising 鳯女

Politics, life, and other things that matter

The Agent Proschlockateur Does It Again

Posted by Phoenix Woman on April 19, 2010

On this, the 15th anniversary of Oklahoma City, when right-wing terrorists blew up the Murrah Building killing 168 men, women and children, I am reminded of Mitch Berg, the local right-wing agent proschlockateur who famously tried to have it both ways back in 2007 when he simultaneously tried to pre-emptively blame lefty protesters for any and all acts of violence at the upcoming Republican National Convention, while at the same time happily discussing the 2008 convention plans of himself and his buddies at “Protest Warrior“, whose members like to go around doing stupid things while pretending to be lefty protesters.

(By the way, I’m convinced that the “punch the hippies” climate of fear to which he and other local right-wing talkers and bloggers contributed, taken along with Bob Fletcher’s eagerness to act like a thug in the service of the Republican National Committee’s desire to be spared the sight of any protesters — which, since the RNC conventioneers never actually set foot outside of the Xcel Center without being immediately placed in a bus or limo that took them to downtown Minneapolis and environs whenever they wanted to go somewhere for lunch or dinner, was easily accomplished — is what led to the massive overreactions and mass arrests of people like Amy Goodman. But I digress.)

On this sad anniversary, Mitchie-poo’s managed to provide some unintentional comic relief, as Spotty of The Cucking Stool explains:

Apparently, Mitch Berg is claiming that The Uptake crew at the Tea Party rally, including me, did not identify itself to potential interviewees. But here is a brief video clip of the introduction to the interview of Mitch himself.


7 Responses to “The Agent Proschlockateur Does It Again”

  1. Charles II said

    Republican catechism: “When in doubt, lie.”

  2. […] to DailyKos. See also this previous post on Republican agents proschlockateur.) Share this:TwitterDiggFacebookRedditPrintEmailMoreStumbleUponLike this:LikeBe the first to like […]

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