Mercury Rising 鳯女

Politics, life, and other things that matter

Lay down your markers for Tuesday

Posted by Charles II on November 2, 2008

What are your predictions for Tuesday night?
These are the predictions of Johnny Wendell, KTLK-AM 1350 Los Angeles:

Obama wins, carrying the following:

  • California, Colorado, Connecticut
  • DC
  • Florida
  • Hawaii
  • Illinois, Iowa
  • Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana
  • Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota
  • Ohio, Oregon
  • Pennsylvania
  • Rhode Island
  • Vermont, Virginia
  • Washington, Wisconsin
  • McCain gets the rest

    Senate–Democrats pick up:

    Alaska, Colorado, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Carolina, Oregon, Virginia. Georgia is undecided and will be run-off in December.

    Democrats pick up 28 seats in House, giving them 264-171

    Obama wins popular vote by 9.3 million votes.

    6 Responses to “Lay down your markers for Tuesday”

    1. Charles II said

      My prediction is that there will be at least one surprise.

      If there are no surprises, that will be a surprise.

    2. jo6pac said

      I’ll go with the list except 31/32 seats in the House. The surprise will be any close race will go to the repug until the recount. The best part is Stevens going to the Real Big House and not back to the club house.

    3. Batocchio said

      I’m thinking 349 EV for Obama, although he has a chance of taking several states above that.

    4. It’s going to be a huge blowout, if Dixville Notch and Hart’s Location are any kind of indication.

    5. I’m betting Obama gets at least 375 EVs. We’ll see how it goes tonight.

    6. Fwiw, if Missouri had gone to Obama (lost by about 6,000 votes), he’d have 375 EVs counting North Carolina (which he presumably did win). So the final tally should be 364 EV.

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